Colleagues working together

Talent attraction: how hybrid work magnetizes top talent


May 18, 2022


September 26, 2024

Employee experience




The Great Resignation has shown that workers don't hesitate to quit when unhappy with their job or the company they work for. Some sectors even experience a fierce war for talent, facing increased competition to find the right employees. So, what do you need to do to boost talent attraction? And, arguably more important, how do you retain the best employees? These are the current questions many HR departments are asking.

Priorities have changed. People focus much more on skill development, work-life balance, and well-being than before. Although a fair salary is still one of the main criteria when choosing where to work, other aspects like flexible work arrangements often play a more significant part in the decision making.

As an HR manager, you need to stay up-to-date regarding the expectations of the current workforce to attract and retain talent. As experts in hybrid work, the most modern and employee-centric way of working, we are going to share why offering more flexibility at work is a powerful magnet for receiving golden job applications. Future-proof your workplace and create an envionrment that makes your employees want to stay.

Why should you focus on attracting and retaining talent?

Find the right team members

By prioritising talent attraction, you will have less difficulty finding job candidates who have the skills you’re looking for and who are aligned with the company’s values and vision. People will be knocking at your door to use their knowledge and experience. They will want to be part of your organization because they have something to gain in return, which is not just a good salary. It can be a better work-life balance or a job position that enables them to create purpose in their careers, for example. 

Thus, talent attraction gives you a better chance of finding the right employees when searching for candidates to fill new roles. This gives you the advantage of having more choices of applicants and ensuring you work with people who are motivated to make your business thrive.

Lower employee turnover

When focusing on creating an attractive workplace, you subsequently create an environment that retains talent. The reasons why people want to work at a company in the first place are often the same as the ones that keep them there over time. For instance, flexible work arrangements or promoting employee empowerment brings in candidates as much as improves the loyalty of your current team. Therefore, attracting and retaining talent improves your workforce turnover.

📆 Start a free trial of the deskbird app to give your employees more flexibility with workspace booking and week planning while saving costs!

Person accepting a new job
Person accepting a new job

Increases your chances of winning the war for talent

The competition in the job market is so high that many companies are struggling to find suitable candidates to fill their vacant positions. Offering a great salary is no longer enough. An increasing number of professionals think, “What’s the purpose of earning thousands if I don’t have time to take care of myself, miss time to spend with my family and friends, or end up burnt out?” 

Developing a talent attraction strategy is crucial to surviving the war for talent as your organization needs to stand out from the rest. Employees undoubtedly hold the power in today's job market, and a people-centric work environment is the only way to win this battle. So, the question is: “What can you offer that your competitors can’t?”

Helps your business grow and succeed

Lastly, talent attraction gives you the opportunity to create a team of highly skilled employees who genuinely want to be part of your organization. Obviously, the consequences can only be positive if you gather individuals aligned with your values and vision and who are willing to use their skills to help you reach your goals. 

But, on top of having a group of talented people by your side, you also need to build a work environment that boosts their productivity and increase their output, such as a well-designed office space or one that prioritizes workplace connection. Hybrid work is the perfect example of a model that attracts talent while also fostering greater performance. Flexible work allows for better work-life balance and enhances employee satisfaction, resulting in higher engagement, focus, creativity, and motivation.

📈 Are you wondering how hybrid work influences productivity? Read our article about hybrid workplace statistics to find out!

Candidate being interviewed for a job
Candidate being interviewed for a new job

How does hybrid work boost talent attraction?

Hybrid work creates a better work-life balance 

Priorities have changed in the world of work. Salary is still an important factor when it comes to deciding whether to apply to a company or not. But other aspects tend to play a bigger part. Before sending their application forms, many candidates take the time to analyze the following components:

  • How will this new job affect my work-life balance? Will it be better or worse?
  • What is the culture of this workplace?
  • Does the organization share the same values and visions as mine?
  • Will this job position give me more autonomy and flexibility?
  • Will I have the possibility to upskill and reskill whenever I need and want to?
  • Etc.

Hybrid work often solves many of these concerns. Undoubtedly, it is a core pillar of a better work-life balance. Yet, it also enables people to consider job opportunities that aren’t necessarily close to their homes. The remote work policy allows them to apply for jobs at companies that match their values, which they wouldn't have been able to do otherwise.

Flexibility at work is now a norm

Over the last couple of years, many businesses have implemented more flexible working schedules. Those who have decided after to force their employees back into the office after COVID-19 are shooting themselves in the foot. If you intend to attract highly qualified professionals, work flexibility is key.

While people have voiced their wishes to be able to return to the office, they’ve also clearly expressed the importance of having the choice to work from home when they need to. It is also important to remember is that the biggest part of today’s workforce is Millennials and Gen Z. According to the Cisco Global Hybrid Work Study 2022, around 72% prefer hybrid work to in-office or fully remote work systems. Having the flexibility to work from anywhere, and sometimes at any time, has become the norm, and there is no going back. Organizations that fail to provide this to their employees have a lower chance of attracting the people they need. 

👋 Are your employees still working 5 days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.? Discover why flexitime boosts productivity and leads to better outcomes!

Job interview over video call
Job interview over video call

Hybrid schedules are expected by employees

People know what they want for their careers and are more eager to do what needs to be done to reach their personal and professional goals. Finding talent is more complex than ever for recruitment teams not offering hybrid work opportunities. Why is it so much more difficult? Because flexibility is what workers demand and prioritize. 

Hybrid work enables employees to get their ideal job while having all the advantages of working from anywhere. As you can read in our article about remote work statistics, 62% of the European workforce want to be able to work from home more often in the future.

We are in an era when employee well-being is at the center stage and is necessary to attract and retain talent. Adapting to those changes is a must to stay in the race. Embracing new ways of working and focusing on improving working conditions also shows potential applicants that you are ready to meet your staff’s expectations

Flexible work arrangements facilitate DEI in the workplace

Implementing more DEI initiatives has become a fundamental topic for promoting a people-first work environment and fulfilling workers’ expectations. Diversity, equity, and inclusion now also play a bigger part in people’s decision-making when they choose to apply for a company. So, what does this have to do with hybrid work? As mentioned in our article about DEI in the workplace, flexible work can enhance DEI in multiple ways. 

For example, it allows job searchers from various backgrounds to reach out to firms located anywhere without being restrained by geographical barriers. It also enables parents to adapt their schedules. It gives people with disabilities the chance to apply for positions that don’t require them to be on the premises every day. A working model that with less commuting, less stress, and more autonomy aligns with many more people than the classic office model. 

Overall, hybrid work fulfils the need for more flexibility while enabling more diversity, equity, and inclusion at work, which also tends to attract talent, especially Millennials and Gen-z who are not only seeking more diverse workplaces but who are also more diverse generations themselves.

🎬 Do you want to learn more about our mission and how we can support your hybrid work environment? Discover the features of the deskbird app in our less than 2-minute video!

Hybrid work boosts your brand image and improves talent attraction

How your team members feel about your company also significantly impacts talent attraction. The happier and more satisfied your workers are, the more they share positive information about your organization. This contributes to boosting your reputation and brand image. 

Aspects such as having an employee-centric approach, being inclusive, or encouraging modern ways of working are part of the main criteria people are looking for. Hybrid work definitely plays a big role in all of these areas (autonomy, flexibility, empowerment, work-life balance, etc.) and is now a core pillar of employee satisfaction.

When it comes to talent attraction and retention, businesses that offer hybrid schedules have a clear advantage in comparison to companies that resist saying yes to new working trends. They show that they adapt to the needs of their most valuable asset: their people!

The war for talent is fierce and forces organizations to meet employees’ expectations in order to be competitive. Hybrid work is key as it is one of the top requirements workers are looking for. But this is not the only reason. Its positive impact on multiple aspects of the work environment, such as autonomy and inclusion, also make it a core ingredient for attracting and retaining talent.

Do you want to implement flexible work arrangements in your organization but don't know where to begin? deskbird's room booking and week planning features are the perfect place to start to build a hybrid model that keeps employees happy and engaged.

Request a free demo of the deskbird app and discover how our user-friendly software helps you optimize and manage your hybrid work environment efficiently!

Talent attraction: how hybrid work magnetizes top talent

Paulyne Sombret

Paulyne is a highly respected expert in hybrid work. She's known for her writing on sustainability in the hybrid office, flexible work models, and employee experience. With a strong background in content and SEO, her work explores the exciting trends and latest news in the world of work.

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